Fernando Andreu

Office RibbonX Editor


Edit UI files for Microsoft Office documents easily

This project is a migration from Windows Forms to WPF of the original project by Microsoft, taking advantage of the MVVM pattern to produce a more streamlined UI while adding extra features.

The main feature added is the use of a ScintillaNET text editor with advanced capabilities, such as line numbering and quick syntax highlighting. Several editor settings, such as font size and colors, can be customized.

In addition, a reload on save mechanism ensures that no data is lost when saving an Office document that was modified externally at the same time.

Other features added are: a recent file list, extra editor actions and the possibility of having more than one Office document open simultaneously.

The project uses CI/CD practices (via Azure Pipelines) to ensure newer versions are fully tested before become available to the user. In addition, new releases are automatically created on GitHub when new Git tags (e.g. v1.0) gets pushed to the repository.

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